We took her to the beach yesterday, and discovered to our horror, that Pickle is possessed when there is a bird to chase. She’s very strong, with amazing stamina. Fortunately, there was no ranger, she chased only gulls, and we managed to tackle her before she disappeared into the fog or surf – only, I suspect, because the bird chose to come back where I managed to snag her with a lunge. As we were watching this, I was wondering how I was going to explain her loss to you. She went from the demure, obedient (even healing) Pickle, to a bird chasing fiend – the very instant she was off the leash. At Tahoe, she was fine with Canada Geese, and resisted the water. She’ll take a couple of steps after a bird, and drop it. Not with these gulls. Getting tossed by the surf didn’t even slow her down. Thank goodness she wasn’t caught by the undertow. We dodged a bullet.
PS – I never let her off leash in the city. On wilderness trails, she has been fine off leash, staying close by, but running around a bit as dogs will do. None of this crazy bird behavior. |